Obtain European Visas Without the Hassle

#hrhub #immigration #visa #residence

Hire top talent from around the world without the usual visa obstacles. The immigration, visa, and residency team manages the entire process, enabling your employees to work from Europe.

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visa residence passport working

Immigration Process from A to Z

We specialize in handling large volumes and complex relocation cases, helping you save on costs and resources by consolidating your mobility operations. Our platform automates document generation and ensures compliance, streamlining the entire process. Whether you need to relocate employees hired through your own entity to your headquarters or another office, we support you in Europe, guaranteeing a seamless visa process.

Immigration Process Made Easy

Use PULSAWORK for visa and residency management, and transform a challenging and complex agenda into a clear and straightforward process.

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immigration visa residence dashboard
passport ocr technology

Automatic Document Reading

Increase the accuracy of data transcribed from identification documents such as ID cards, driver's licenses, and passports with the help of the latest OCR and AI technologies, achieving an accuracy rate of up to 99%.

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Paperwork Automation

We provide the necessary documentation to ensure compliance with visa and residency requirements.


Process Under Scrutiny

Information on the status and validity of visas and residency can be tracked through the application.


Secure Document Storage

All visa and residency documents in one place and securely stored.

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Automation and Accuracy

The latest technologies replace manual data entry and increase accuracy.

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Automatic creation of a checklist for every single profile to ensure nothing is overlooked in the process.

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Bulk Changes

Automation in applying bulk changes to key data for even faster adaptation to changes in the process.

A → Z

Process control from start to finish with an overview and in just a few clicks.

Prepared templates

Prepared document templates for a quicker start and immediate use.

70% time saved

Time savings in data transcription, preparation of materials, and management of the entire process.

Places to work from for your employees

We enable employees to work from any location listed bellow with fully equipped work place.
Relocate your employees for better work experience.

flag slovakia

Slovak republic

✔ Temporary Residence ✔ National visa ✔ Blue Card

czech flag

Czech republic

✔ Schengen Visa

✔ Employment Card

✔ Blue Card

poland flag


✔ National Visa (Type D)

✔ Blue Card

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